Lactation Support FAQs

Q1: What is an IBCLC?

An Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) is a person that has extensive training surrounding simple and complex aspects of breastfeeding, milk expression, feeding, and handling.

Q2: What services does Designer Milkies offer?

Currently we offer 2 services:  Prenatal Consultations & Postpartum support. 

Q3: What is the Breastfeeding Success Program?

The Breastfeeding Success System (BOSS) is a comprehensive system designed to guide you through your breastfeeding journey. It includes telehealth lactation education that grows with you and teaches essential skills for sustainable breastfeeding along with 1:1 expert care, and a supportive community. Enrollment into the Breastfeeding Success System can be done prenatally or postpartum.

Q4: I don’t think I need support for very long, can I just do one postpartum session?

Designer Milkies does not schedule single postpartum sessions due to the nature of lactation needs.

It is unlikely that questions about milk supply strategy, latch or pain comes to an end after a single conversation.

To ensure a smooth start to any given lactation journey, it is essential to have access to a lactation expert throughout the first 2 weeks (day 1, 3, 6, 9,and 12).

Breastfeeding and lactation is a skill best learned when your hair is not on fire. After the 2 week mark, communicating with a lactation consultant weekly for the first 16 weeks statistically improves the success rate of exclusively breastfeeding for six months and monthly communication after three months drastically improves the rate of breastfed babies at a year. All of this (and more) is standard of care with Designer Milkies Breastfeeding Success Program.

Q5: Who can benefit from Designer Milkies support?

The Breastfeeding Success System is designed to help high achieving, productive parents with a busy schedule who are currently pregnant or recently lactating, anxious about meeting their baby’s needs while getting rest, pain, and may need to provide milk when away from baby and  are determined to provide milkies to their baby(ies) for a year or as long as you desire all while getting more rest, feeling confident and empowered so you can enjoy your journey and reach your milkies goals.

Q6: When & why would I need a prenatal consultation?

Prenatal consultations help you intentionally prepare for breastfeeding. It can be challenging to become informed and implement a new skill immediately postpartum. It will also serve as an avenue to address questions or concerns from partners and build their toolbox to support mom and baby. 

Breastfeeding, milk expression, and maintaining milk production is a skill that needs to be learned. Plus, there are things you can do to physically prepare while pregnant!

I recommend signing up before 35 weeks pregnant (ideally as early as possible) to allow yourself to form stress free habits, ask questions and influence your success. Moms find it advantageous to get started around  22 weeks because they are able to practice techniques, add things to their diet and also able to make changes to their baby registry.

Enrolling into the Breastfeeding Success System during pregnancy will further extend its value! Please note: often times there is a waitlist to enroll into the Breastfeeding Success System postpartum.

Q7: I do not know if breastfeeding is for me, what do you recommend?

Start with a prenatal consultation! Designer Milkies is a judgment free zone. Discover your desires and goals. If you decide to pursue breastfeeding, the cost of the prenatal consultation will go toward postpartum support. We truly believe what you want matters.

Q8: I thought lactation help needed to be in person, how is virtual or telehealth support supposed to help me?

While in-person support can be comforting, it has it’s fair share of drawbacks and telehealth support through the Breastfeeding Success Program bridges many gaps.

Have you ever been to the doctor’s office for an issue, only to get there and things are “fine,” then get home and the issue pops up again at 3 am?

Well, babies are masters of this.

Instead of going through more scheduling hoops,  Designer Milkies telehealth support allows you to send pictures and videos through a HIPAA secure parent portal so I can see what you see, we can communicate outside of traditional appointments, and you have actionable notes to help you remember what to do next.

Q9: Why should I choose Designer Milkies over everyone else?

Designer Milkies sees moms as moms. Yes, your milk is uniquely designed for your baby, but there are so many amazing benefits for moms too.

There is a lactation journey for each family and their journey. Choosing to add Designer Milkies to your peripartum team means the service and provider aligns with your goals, you’ll have personalized support when it matters most, you do not have to worry about additional fees and want to feel seen and supported during your postpartum journey. 

Appropriate support is key for your own mental and physical health.

Q10: Do you offer enrollment incentives?

Being able to offer life’s liquid gold to your little one and in the process also protecting mom’s health is a huge incentive in itself.

We are able to offer an insurance discount and the incentive in FAQ #7. We also do not charge a fee for multiple children.

The sooner you you enroll, the longer you have support. 

Designer Milkies’ price creates high expectations from customers and in aspiring to meet those expectations we are held accountable and deliver high quality care and support. We think our service provides the same value the whole year round and that customers should not be penalized (or rewarded) because of when they found out about their pregnancy or gave birth, thus we do not offer sales.

Designer Milkies also offers Corporate Lactation Solutions. This means employers have an opportunity to gift their team members with life changing lactation support that helps parents return to work confidently.

Q11: Why is there an application process for comprehensive (prenatal + postpartum) care?

Being enrolled in the Breastfeeding Success System is like being part of a family that you get to choose. It is important that we are a great fit for each other so that you can get the best experience. After all the first 42 days postpartum affects the next 42 years of life for mamas. Additionally, to uphold a high standard of care, space is limited and at times there is a waitlist at times. 

Q12: Do you take insurance or is it self pay?

It depends on coverage. Services are assumed to be self pay unless you have been preapproved to use your medical insurance. I use a third party billing service and am able to take a handful of insurances. Insurance eligibility can be checked here. Whether you have lactation support can in many cases, make or break a postpartum journey. I encourage you to get the help you need.